
Friday, October 3, 2008

Vice Presidential Candidates and the Climate Question

If you don't understand what the cause of a problem or issue is, finding a solution is not possible. Paraphrased, these are the words of Senator Joe Biden as he responds to Sarah Palin's remarks that she doesn't want to argue what caused climate change and would rather focus on how to "positively affect the impacts".

DJ Journey and his Eco friendly crew were glad that Senator Biden made this statement because it was the exact same thing we were thinking when Governor Palin made similiar remarks in her earlier interview with Katie Couric! For many of us environmentally conscious people it probably makes sense to understand the roots of the problem (with the environment) in order to fix it!

According to Palin we must also consider "cyclical patterns" when talking about the earth's temperature changes. WHAT?! Most scientists agree now that the rising global temperature is a man made issue.

Biden goes on to point out that over the last decade and a half Senator McCain has voted 20 TIMES AGAINST FUNDING ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY! He says these include wind, solar and bio-fuels. Palin came back with statements of how we must learn to rely on domestic oil not foreign and said "with new technology and tiny footprints on land it is safe to drill and we need to do that". She even corrected Biden when he said McCains camps only answer is drill, drill, drill by saying "The chant is drill baby drill".

We think when it came to this topic Biden had the facts, statistics and information to hold his own...When it came to Palin...not so much.

But judge for yourself! Watch below!


Anonymous said...

Ya I'd agree with your assessment there. I think on the whole the Obama camp is more forward thinking while McCain is caught up somewhere in the past..

allenbina said...

homegirl said nucular