
Monday, September 29, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle=3 R's that sound Right

When I was first heard this song catchy song by Jack Johnson I had two questions: Who is this artist and why haven't I heard this song yet?!

The Song "3 R's" by Jack Johnson, a Hawaii born singer/songwriter/surfer/ is all about being green, hence the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle line used throughout the song. Jack's love for the environment have led him and his wife to create the the Kokua Hawaii Foundation. This nonprofit organization specializes in protecting and preserving the environment through grade-school environmental awareness programs. The program donates materials and resources needed so that teachers can inform their students about environmental issues. The program also focuses on creating healthier lunch programs, recycling programs and teaching students about the importance of alternative energy.

While surfing the net for the official video, I saw several creatively crafted videos done by young teenagers and was impressed! This song is really making an impact!
Check Jack out at

Just to let you know this song inspired our "DJ with a Cause" DJ Journey in a big Way. So stay tuned for DJ Journey to do what he does best....remix the song!
