We've all heard the warnings on the news, seen the documentaries on BBC, Discovery and National Geographic and witnessed first hand the wrath of Mother Nature in the form of catastrophic hurricanes, tsunamis, and volcanoes in the last few years alone.
The question has been- how can we possibly deal effectively with these problems while not compromising the economic well being and global leadership role of our country? The Bush administration made a clear cut decision to put the environment on the back burner based on the false notion that we cannot care effectively for our planet and simultaneously enjoy a healthy, thriving economy.
The truth is actually quite the opposite. After 8 years of war abroad, worldwide economic devastation, and a crippled international reputation, the American people are ready for change. They are ready to work towards achieving the very realistic goal of developing alternatives sources of energy and improving the economic condition of the country.
Former Vice President, Al Gore, spoke to members of congress today about the drastic changes that must take place in the coming years. He addressed some of the most pressing issues-war, national security, and a devastated economy. “As we search for solutions to all three of theses challenges, it is becoming clearer that they are linked by a common thread- our dangerous over-reliance on carbon-based fuels.” And how can we deny the truth of such a powerful statement?
Not only is the cause of our greatest problems our insatiable desire for fossil fuels, but addressing this one issue has the capacity to resolve the other three! Investments in energy efficient products will “create millions of jobs and hasten our economic recovery-while strengthening our national security and beginning to solve the climate crisis.”
So what, you are probably thinking, have we been waiting for! We have been waiting for someone bold enough to educate the public. We’ve been waiting for an administration wise enough to join hands with the international community. We’ve been doing a hell of a lot of waiting and that’s the problem!
Human civilization stands at a “tipping point” and we must reach a new, realistic agreement in Copenhagen that represents REAL change. Let’s get Congress rolling, shall we? Click here to show your support for Obama's new recovery package ladies and gents:
Copy: https://pol.moveon.org/donate/gorechallenge.html
Katie Hoeppner
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